
Cardiovascular risk and systemic lupus erythematosus

Introduction and Epidemiology Atherosclerosis during lupus is an important issue because of its major impact in terms of morbi-mortality and prognosis. The last years are by the understanding of new pathophysiological mechanisms of atherosclerosis in connective which led to new therapeutic concepts. However, several questions remain unanswered about the particular mechanisms responsible for the accelerated

Cardiovascular risk and systemic lupus erythematosus Lire la suite »

The first National Survey about prevalence of Lupus in France

The first National Survey about the prevalence of Lupus in France For the first time, a survey using national data of health (“SNIIRAM and PMSI) allowed to estimate the incidence and prevalence of systemic lupus erythematosus, in France, in respectively 3,32 and 47 case/100 000 year 2010, and 27369 prevalent cases the same year. The

The first National Survey about prevalence of Lupus in France Lire la suite »

We want (have the right) to work !

Chronic diseases and professional life Many people with a chronic disease work or want to work. However, people affected by these diseases are still too often outside of any professional activity, either because they are unfamiliar with the integration structures and devices maintaining employment, either because operators insertion and employers don’t have at their disposal

We want (have the right) to work ! Lire la suite »

Recommendations of Oral Health for patients with Scleroderma Systemic

Juliette ROCHEFORT1, Yvon Roche1, Adrian Hij2, D. Farge2, Arnaud Rigolet3   Unit of dentistry, Rothschild Hospital, Paris, France Unit of Internal Médicine and Vascular Pathology, St Louis Hospital, Paris, France Unit of Stomatology and Maxillofacial, St Louis Hospital, Paris, France The Scleroderma Systemic(SSc) is a disease of connective tissue. Initiated by an endothelial injury, it’s characterized

Recommendations of Oral Health for patients with Scleroderma Systemic Lire la suite »

Renal Involvement in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

Introduction The kidneys filter the blood and remove the waste product in the urine. Small kidney filters, called « glomeruli », let through water, salt and waste, but don’t let the albumin and blood cells. In the systemic lupus erythematosus, glomeruli can be damaged by the deposit of antibodies and by an inflammatory of up destruction. It let go

Renal Involvement in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Lire la suite »

A Year of Therapeutic Education at National Center of Systemic Lupus

This year again has been eventful!! Indeed we first have sustained the Therapeutic Education Program always offering 6 learning sessions per month. Moreover, thanks to the availability of caregivers of the team of TEP we have established    « Education Saturdays ». In one day, we animate the 6 sessions of the program, in parallel 2 by 2, which

A Year of Therapeutic Education at National Center of Systemic Lupus Lire la suite »

What is Lupus, the disease highlighted in Dr House?

After « NFS, chimi, iono, and blood gas » become cult by the emergency series, it’s now the phrase « it’s not a lupus » which brings together fans of Dr House. But behind the Dr House’s jokes about this matter, lies a real disease, previously unknown by the general public. So, what is the lupus? A little history…. In Latin,

What is Lupus, the disease highlighted in Dr House? Lire la suite »